Ralynn F.
Lake City, FL
My name is Ralynn Floyd. I have been in foster care for almost 15 years. The journey wasn’t always easy because I was too young to understand what was happening. As I got older, I became stubborn and started to act out. I missed my mom and did not have the words to explain my feelings, so I expressed them through actions. The result was people thought I was a bad kid and did not want me in their house. Now, as a young adult, I know I was not a bad kid. I was a young woman who was trying to figure out how to survive in a big world away from my family 💗.
A lot of people do come and go. They are either a lesson or a blessing. I had to learn that not everybody is against me. I have been in many different foster care placements, and my last two placements taught me that I had to straighten up my attitude, how I speak to people, and how to follow directions. I have matured and am reunited with my biological sister in a group home. My experience with that group home has been a great one. I am still learning to be the best person I can be, regardless of my situation💕.
I would like to thank the people in my life who have made it easier for me and made me feel loved. That is what I call a family. Family is not always blood family; it’s the people who make you feel better loved, and encourage you to do the right things. Some people do not understand that being in foster care is not always bad; sometimes, there are good moments, but there are also bad moments, but that is the same n in life.
My experience in foster care has been rough and painful, and I have had my ups and downs. But it has made me who I am today. I believe more kids need to speak up and know that their voice is being heard. We also need more staff to encourage us kids to do so because some of the kids do not know how to use their voices and do not feel like they are being heard.